Monday 28 November 2016

Step 2-Start a Sip of Beer to Meditate

Hi All,
Step-2 ,Beer Baba Meditation(Venue-Sea Beach),

Start a Sip of Beer to Meditate .The limit now has to be with only One Glass of  Beer.This has to be accompanied with  developing  the habit of Forgiveness .
After the first Sip ,Visualize the images of the Person to whom you are holding the grudge.
Now  select the 3 persons & forgive them to your fullest.
After that concentrate & meditate on the liquid molecules of the Beer which are in motion.
The liquid molecules now represent the happiness after you have forgived the 3 persons .
Now Drink the entire glass of the Beer & close you eyes .Now meditate on the sounds of the wind across the sea-shore.

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People should shift to Beer drinking & avoid drinking hot  drinks like whisky etc. or any other addiction which is not beneficial for us.
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Benefits of Beer drinking includes are many .But as you get positive & enlightened you will gradually get free from any habits which you will not like.
Image result for enlightenment drinks  free image

Drinking beer makes you enter into  certain realms of your Subconscious mind after 20 minutes Beer Baba meditation methodology.
Image result for subconscious mind free image

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